Project sunroof
mapping the world’s solar potential, one roof at a time
augUST 2015
In 2014, Google engineer Carl Elkin had a wild idea:
using Google’s robust satellite imagery data and the mathematical position of the sun throughout the day, he could calculate the amount of sun to hit a roof during daylight hours and thereby estimate how much one could save if they installed solar panels.
The idea of solar energy was going mainstream but the process to actually get solar energy was complicated and confusing. With Project Sunroof, you could use Google Search to estimate your roof’s solar savings potential and get connected to local installers in seconds.
We helped Carl and his team take his idea from a 20% project to a sponsored and resourced project and then a full public launch. We built a narrative, brand, and total user experience design. I rolled on to another project but my colleagues finished the job with a beautiful launch film that clocked 1M views within the first week, shown above.
Project Sunroof was declared a United Nations Momentum for Change Recipient in 2016 and was referenced by President Obama in his Clean Energy Savings for All Americans Initiative.

Brand Strategy
Total User Experience Design
Carl Elkin, Matt Jones, Kelli Hogan, Mat Delbridge, Steve Rura, Mike Lacher, Adam Katz, Cassie Hamilton, Monica Kim, Rachel Inman, Joel Conkling.