
putting quantum mechanics into minecraft to get kids excited about the future of science and engineering.


qCraft is a mod that brings the principles of quantum physics to the world of Minecraft. Hoping to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers where they’re playing.

qCraft is not a simulation of quantum physics, but it does provide ‘analogies’ that attempt to show how quantum behaviors are different from everyday experience, allowing players to create structures and devices that exhibit Minecraft versions of quantum properties like observer dependence, superposition and entanglement.

In addition to the mod, we created educational materials for teacher’s to use qCraft in the classroom, online tutorials on how to use it, and exhibited at Minecon2013 to get the most hyped Minecraft kids hyped on quantum physics.

In collaboration with Caltech’s Insitute for Quantum Information and Matter, E-Line Media, Teacher Gaming, and Minecraft “modder” Daniel Ratcliffe plus Drury Design Dynamics on the installation.

To date it has over 1 million downloads.


Program Lead
Installation Producer


2014 Webby Honoree, Games related


Read about it on Caltech's blog

Get the open-source code on Github

Read the wiki to learn more about the mod


Mike Lacher, Kyle Monson, Lorraine Yurshansky, Johnny Selman, CalTech’s Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, E-Line Media, Teacher Gaming, Daniel Ratcliffe, and Drury Design Dynamics.


Gmoji __ an early experiment exploring emotion to emoji control for I/O 2016