STUDY for the US Citizenship exam, LEARN multiplication tables. an open source template to create voice and visual quizzes for the google assistant.

september 2019

Canvas Quiz is a starter kit to make custom, voice-enabled question-answer games for the Google Assistant.

Developers can setup and deploy their own quiz in minutes. All the questions and answers are in a Google Sheet, so it’s easy to put in your own content.

We created two examples in-house and partnered with an outside developer on a third.

Study with Maher
How much do you know about US history and government? Answer questions from the real US citizenship test. See if you could pass it, and learn more about American history and government. Made by and featuring Maher Mahmood, an Iraqi refugee who was then studying to become a US citizen (he passed!). Coding by Mike Lacher.

Creature Teacher: Multiplication
A fun and freaky way to practice your times tables. Animated numbers test your knowledge of multiplication tables. Try easy, medium, or hard modes and see how fast you can multiply. By Phil Bayer & Selman Design.


Producer, Study with Maher & Creature Teacher
Creative, Creature Teacher


Try Study with Maher on your Google Assistant device

Try Creature Teacher on your Google Assistant device

Get the open-source code and plans on GitHub


Mike Lacher, Maher Mahmood, Phil Bayer, Selman Design, Oren Fliegelman, Itay Niv, Mathew Ray, Shuhua Xiong, Mixtape Club.


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